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About the Author

Hi, I’m Gautam Ganglani.

I was born in London, UK. At the age of 13, I was bullied, teased, humiliated, made fun of and embarrassed whilst at school. Life made no sense, I had no purpose, I was frustrated, anxious, stressed and confused.

I turned to my dad for his advice. He told me there are 3 steps to take whenever you face a challenge: surround yourself with the right people — learn continuously — take action.

I soon changed schools, applied my dad’s advice, and my outlook on life changed. Since that day, I have only looked back to remember these golden words, so whenever I experience a challenge I look to connect with the right people, learn from people, books, videos or courses and take action. This helps give me clarity, focus, direction and a positive breakthrough.

I realised that the immense value I received from this advice could benefit others too. Somewhere, subconsciously, this sowed the seeds of Breaking Bread in my mind.

I now help entrepreneurs and corporate professionals build meaningful, long-lasting relationships by applying the breaking bread philosophy, so that they can make a difference to their lives, and transform their companies to achieve greater heights of success.

Are you ready to BREAK BREAD and find a positive solution to all your challenges?

Collaborate With Gautam

Break Bread with G

A casual conversation where we explore what breaking bread is all about and how you can leverage it in your life


High energy keynotes with half-day masterclasses on how to build meaningful relationships for long lasting business success

Professional Business Speaking Coaching

Get guidance instrumental to your success in your journey as a professional speaker

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